Tuesday, July 27, 2010

P90X, The Prelude

So Jenn and I are all set. We have our P90X dvds, heart rate monitors, protein powder/bars, pull up bar and resistance bands. We also have each other, and considerable motivation.

We'll be starting the workouts tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM, which seems totally uncivilized. I haven't consistently gotten up that early since my Parris Island days. Then again, I got into great shape back then. Maybe there's some connection between early rising and fitness gain. Like the universe says, "Damn, you're up before the chickens. Here, have a little extra bonus for your trouble."

So, reasons to do this madness:

Vanity, of course. Who doesn't want to look better naked?

Also, strength. Since adding some muscle in my gym workouts over the past months, I've enjoyed the pleasure of feeling stronger, and that's a reward in itself.

I also want to look better in the eyes of my wife, Jenn. Like a gift I can give to her.

And I also think about Lydia a lot. I want her to grow up with a fit dad. One who encourages her to live a strong, healthy lifestyle by example, not by fiat.

We'll get in 2 days of workouts before we head to CA for a long weekend (watching my brother do the Iron Man, no less). So we're counting our official beginning once we return from that trip. These next 2 days will be a sample, something to get our feet wet, and counteract the wine we'll be drinking in Sonoma.

Not to mention the dinner at the French Laundry.


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